Bad in the Bedroom? Let’s Talk About Sex. November 4, 2014 Ever hear the phrase “The best way to stop having sex is to get married”? Clever, but it’s not too funny if you are living it. Has your wife told you kindly (or not so kindly) that you are a bad lover?...
IS YOUR HUSBAND BAD AT SEX? October 17, 2014 Without a doubt, women come in with this complaint way more often than men. By the time I see the couple, the wife is exasperated and ready to talk but her husband is feeling humiliated and embarrassed. He would rather get...
When Your Spouse Gets Their Way October 9, 2014 There has been a flood of clients recently who have presented with similar situations: one spouse has taken control of the relationship from the other spouse. For each couple, the methods are different but the results...
WHY WOULD MY MARRIAGE COUNSELOR TELL US TO CALL IT QUITS? September 18, 2014 Katy showed up in my office in tears. She had been trying to get her husband to go to marriage counseling for months. He finally agreed and they went to see someone locally who was referred...
ARE THEY REALLY “JUST FRIENDS”? August 26, 2014 “I am telling you, we are just friends! Why don’t you trust me?” Your gut tells you one thing, your partner tells you another. Explanations of all the incoming texts, the heavily guarded phone, and late night...