Be Curious, Not Furious – A Tip To Improve Communication In Your Marriage August 10, 2023 A lot of the therapy work I do is helping couples and partners understand what their contributions to the relationship are, and how they can start making changes with...
On Brene’ Brown’s “Marriage is never 50/50” Discussion July 24, 2023 I bet many of you have already seen the recent Brene’ Brown video making the rounds where she calls out the myth of marriage being a 50/50 partnership. It’s less than a minute long and it’s good. If...
Setting Healthy Boundaries: Saving a Marriage When One Spouse Want A Divorce June 13, 2023 I get asked a lot how to save a marriage when one spouse is leaning out or is contemplating divorce. Everybody’s situation’s different, but what I’m seeing a...
What every couple should know before they get married May 22, 2023 Marriage can be a beautiful journey, but it isn’t always an easy one. Like most things in life that are worthy, a good marriage is something that we earn. We don’t just fall into it. If only it were...
When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce May 19, 2023 One of the most gut-wrenching things that can happen in a marriage is when your spouse says they want a divorce. For you, the spouse that wants to stay in the marriage, it often comes as a complete shock and leaves you...
Your Spouse Wants a Divorce – How to Rescue Your Marriage March 23, 2023 Hi, I’m Kim Bowen. I’m the owner and the founder of The Marriage Place. I’m assuming because you’re the one here, that you want to save your marriage and your spouse...