The Marriage Savvy Podcast Episode 001: Is Love All You Need?

July 02, 2024

The Marriage Savvy Podcast is designed to delve into the complexities of relationships, offering valuable insights and practical advice for couples of every age at every stage of life.

Join us as we navigate the highs and lows of love, communication, intimacy, and everything in between. Whether you’re married, dating, or single, The Marriage Savvy Podcast provides tools to foster healthier connections and deepen your understanding of yourself and your partner.


How healthy is your marriage?

ready to have a conversation?

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Stop Having Bad Sex. Improve Your Sex Life With This Tip

As some of you may know, I’m currently on a journey to becoming a certified sex therapist. I am thoroughly enjoying the continuum of sex therapy and being able to share my learnings with all of you.

There’s one thing in particular that I want to share with you that can help couples who are struggling in the bedroom with lack of desire or desire differences.


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