Announcing my first book – the love joy peace workbook

October 10, 2019

There is always so much I want to share with you based on my experiences as a marriage therapist. In fact, I usually have 6 or 7 new blog posts swimming around in my head just waiting for me to find the time to bring them to life.  Some though, don’t always fit within the constraints of a blog. That’s why I’ve known for years I would eventually write a book. Or books.

Well……that time is NOW!

I am so excited to announce a project on which I’ve spent many months working. My first book, The Love Joy Peace Workbook is now available for pre-order on!

This workbook has been a very different kind of project for me. It is a Bible study that incorporates Scripture with the core fundamentals and clinical concepts I regularly use with my clients. I wanted my first book to be educational, inspirational, and experiential – all wrapped into one. No pressure, right?! Truthfully though, I’m thrilled with the final product and I’m excited to finally get to share it with all of you!

I realize that many of you come from very different, diverse backgrounds and a Bible study may or may not be your proverbial ‘cup of tea’. That’s okay. In this workbook I address some of the basic issues all couples face, and I’ve structured it in an interactive format that can engage both partners.

As with most new authors, my excitement to see this project come to life is coupled with a healthy dose of anxiety!  Will anyone want to read my book? Will they love it as much as I do? What if they don’t? Did I cover everything I intended? And most importantly, will it help deepen marriages and help to heal the broken ones? I believe it will.

For those of you that would like a copy of The Love Joy Peace Workbook, you can pre-order it now through Amazon using my affiliate link before it even hits the shelves. Once you and your spouse have read and worked through it, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear your feedback. How did the workbook impact you and your marriage?

Until next time,


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