FAQ: “Why Is Marriage So Hard?” June 6, 2016 Today we’re answering one of the most frequently asked questions: “Why Is Marriage So Hard?” If you think marriage is easy, you may not be doing it right. Falling in love. Committing to a...
Why Should I Stay Married? May 23, 2016 My husband and I are clearing out clutter. It is a time consuming adventure into the past. We started by just going through stacks of books and piles of paper trying to sort them into more organized stacks and piles we labeled...
Not Having Sex? 6 Possible Reasons for a Sexless Marriage March 8, 2016 You Are Not Having Sex. At least that is what the statistics report. Married couples are simply not having sex. A marriage is considered sexless if the couple is only having sex on average once a...
Friendship in Marriage: The Recipe for Reconnection January 25, 2016 A post from Dan Umphress In my work as a Marriage Coach, I talk every week with people who have heard from their spouse some variation of “I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore. I want a...
Can You Handle The Truth? Taking Criticism Well December 28, 2015 Do you know how to hear feedback with grace? There was a time when I couldn’t hear criticism. I was easily offended and very defensive. When someone tried to tell me I was wrong or had hurt them in some...
Divorce season is almost here. Don’t get caught by surprise. November 23, 2015 January is divorce season. I know this is a harsh reality. Right now, this is the time of year when most people are thinking of the upcoming holiday menus, shopping lists and time...