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9 Actions You Can Take Now For A Better Marriage
Marriage is hard and a lot of people get very surprised when it doesn’t match up to their expectations. So, for those of you wanting to improve your marriage, here’s my list of 9 actions that make up a good, well-rounded marriage:
Too much drama in your relationship? Here is why
Too much drama in your relationship? Here is why November 28, 2017 As a marriage counselor, if there’s one common theme between the couples I work with, it would have to be how quickly and easily one or both overreacts to the other. It could be a simple eye roll that...
The Mother-in-Law Conundrum
The mother-in-law conundrum October 4, 2017 Dealing With MILs – Infographic. When you get married to your partner, you inherit a new extension to your family in the form of your in-laws. For the majority, this is a wonderful experience and a welcome addition to...
How Attachment Theory Could Save Your Marriage
How Attachment Theory Could Save Your Marriage September 9, 2017The problems in your marriage started way before your marriage. That’s an important concept to get your head around because so many of us of are convinced that we’ve married the wrong person, or we’re...
5 Warning Signs That Your Marriage is in Trouble
5 Warning Signs That Your Marriage is In Trouble September 5, 2017By the time a couple comes to counseling, there are often years of painful patterns to undo and past hurts to heal and forgive. Some research shows it the average couple waits 6 years to get help. The...
How to Save Your Marriage When You Fall in Love with Someone Else
How to Save Your Marriage When You Fall in Love With Someone Else August 29, 2017 What happens when you find yourself in love with someone other than your spouse? Do you try to keep both relationships going in secret and continue living a double life? Do you divorce...
Affair Repair: Turn Walls into Windows
Affair Repair: Turn Walls into Windows August 22, 2017Every now and then I see something new. Right now I’m working with a couple that is coping with the fallout from an affair, but they’re handling it very differently than your typical couple. The story started like...