How to Avoid Being Discontent in Your Marriage. August, 13, 2020 Part of the human condition is to always want more. We strive to be faster, smarter, healthier, wealthier, and happier. If these goals had a finite end, we might reach them, but most of us still wouldn’t...
HOW TO COPE WITH POST LOCKDOWN EMOTIONS July 28, 2020 Are you a worrier? For those of us that tend to be, 2020 has given us a whole slew of new things to add to our checklist. Things like: Should I be wearing a mask when I go out? Is it safe to see my friends? Elderly...
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage July 24, 2020 Can you laugh at yourself? I mean really laugh at yourself when you make a mistake or do or say something silly? What about when your spouse or friends tease you in a good-natured way? Are you able to laugh then? A...
LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE: MARRIAGE AND THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH July 3, 2020 In honor of this holiday weekend, I want to talk about an essential American value: freedom of speech. I’m guessing that topic has been on a lot of our minds recently. We’ve seen a lot of people...
RACHEL HOLLIS AND THE MYTH OF THE PERFECT MARRIAGE June 16, 2020 Let’s talk. Social media is currently abuzz with the news. Rachel Hollis, mommy blogger, author, and self-proclaimed ‘relationship coach’, and her husband, Dave, just announced their divorce. I’ve...