
Marriage Refresh

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Marriage Fitness

Marriage Fitness

MARRIAGE FITNESS January 26, 2014If you asked someone what he or she values most, family often ranks first or second. But if you inquire about his or her New Year’s resolutions, family does not make the top three (lose weight, stop smoking, and learn something new are...

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I Love You But…Getting Friend Zoned In Your Marriage

I Love You But…Getting Friend Zoned In Your Marriage

I LOVE YOU BUT…GETTING FRIEND ZONED IN YOUR MARRIAGE January 16, 2014 I love you but I’m not IN love with you. I doubt there is a marriage counselor anywhere who hasn’t heard the “I love you but…” statement more times than they could count. Some days I think it is...

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Roommates or Soul Mates? It May Be Time To Up Your Bid

Roommates or Soul Mates? It May Be Time To Up Your Bid

ROOMMATES OR SOUL MATES? IT MAY BE TIME TO UP YOUR BID January 8, 2014Does the relationship with your spouse feel more like roommates instead of soul mates? Are you two caught in the day-to-day grind, just communicating the necessities? Are you trying to initiate a...

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How Even Close Relationships Can Eventually Fail

How Even Close Relationships Can Eventually Fail

HOW EVEN CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS CAN EVENTUALLY FAIL December 31, 2013Relationships fail when couples have more negative interactions than positive ones.  I see many couples who come to counseling because they feel distant and lonely.  They describe their marriage as...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! December 20, 2013All of you have heard how commercialized Christmas has become. You've read how to de-stress during the holidays. You have been encouraged to spend more by the retailers and spend less by those with common sense.  You've been told to...

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Is Your Relationship In Trouble?  Take The Quiz To Find Out!

Is Your Relationship In Trouble? Take The Quiz To Find Out!

IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IN TROUBLE? TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT! December 10, 2013New Years!  It’s almost that time of year again when we reflect back on the past year and resolve to make changes for the coming new year. Many of us will commit (again) to losing weight....

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