Make Your Marriage Work November 8, 2019 What the Marshmallow Test Says About Your Marriage Have you heard of the marshmallow test? It was designed by Columbia psychologist Walter Mischel to determine whether children who could delay gratification would be more...
Stop the blame game in your relationshop October 31, 2019 When you are in an unhappy relationship, you have 3 choices. Maintain status quo End the relationship Make it better That’s it. 3. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly) most unhappy people choose...
What does real love look like? October 24, 2019 I spend a lot of time teaching clients that focusing on your partner’s negative traits will only bring more misery and unhappiness. Conversely, focusing on his/her positives will bring more satisfaction and joy. Most...
Why intensive counseling may be just what your marriage needs October 17, 2019 2…. Glorious…. Days…. It made my day when a client used these words to describe their recent Couples Intensive experience. She also called it a “game changer” for her and her husband –...
Announcing my first book – the love joy peace workbook October 10, 2019 There is always so much I want to share with you based on my experiences as a marriage therapist. In fact, I usually have 6 or 7 new blog posts swimming around in my head just waiting for me...