I LOVE YOU BUT…GETTING FRIEND ZONED IN YOUR MARRIAGE January 16, 2014 I love you but I’m not IN love with you. I doubt there is a marriage counselor anywhere who hasn’t heard the “I love you but…” statement more times than they could count. Some days I think it is...
IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IN TROUBLE? TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT! December 10, 2013 New Years! It’s almost that time of year again when we reflect back on the past year and resolve to make changes for the coming new year. Many of us will commit (again) to losing weight....
WHEN YOUR SPOUSE WANTS A DIVORCE AND YOU DON’T!PART 2: AN INTERVIEW October 16, 2013 There has been such a tremendous response to my original post, When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce and You Don’t that I decided to do a follow up. Just about every day, someone will ask...
WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT LOVE FROM MY 401K October 15, 2013 There are two things I have worked at most of my adult life. One is my marriage and the other is saving for retirement. I value my marriage over my money but for years, I knew more about how to invest wisely...
WHY WOMEN CHOOSE DIVORCE July 5, 2013 Two-thirds of the divorces in our country are filed by women. When I became a marriage counselor, I was told that women want therapy and will drag their husbands in with them. That has not been my experience. Many of the calls...
WHEN YOUR SPOUSE WANTS A DIVORCE AND YOU DON’T June 4, 2013 I hear it often. “My spouse wants a divorce, but I don’t. What can I do?”. Are you in a marriage you want to save but your spouse is ready to call it quits? You aren’t alone. Just before a...