VERBAL ABUSE, PART 2 OF 2 – MEN WHO RAGE AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM November 29, 2016 (Read Part 1 Here) Are you the husband who rages at his wife? Do you yell and fly off the handle when you are stressed? Do you curse at your family and call them names? If you...
Verbal Abuse, Part 1 of 2 – Men Who Rage and The Women Who Love Them November 16, 2016 Verbal Abuse – I see it a lot. I’ve been seeing a lot of clients lately who are married to men who are funny, witty, charming and loving….most of the time. But these...
Marriage Problems? You’ve Lost That Love Feeling. Here’s How to Fix it. October 18, 2016 So many of the marriage problems I see are because one spouse just doesn’t “FEEL” in love anymore. So you think you’ve lost that loving...
When Love Hurts: Abusive Relationships October 14, 2016 When you think of abusive relationships, you probably envision physical beatings and bruises. No doubt that is one form of abuse I see. But to be honest, it isn’t what I see most often. More than...
FAQ: “Why Is Marriage So Hard?” June 6, 2016 Today we’re answering one of the most frequently asked questions: “Why Is Marriage So Hard?” If you think marriage is easy, you may not be doing it right. Falling in love. Committing to a...
Why Should I Stay Married? May 23, 2016 My husband and I are clearing out clutter. It is a time consuming adventure into the past. We started by just going through stacks of books and piles of paper trying to sort them into more organized stacks and piles we labeled...