“JUST FRIENDS” OR SOMETHING MORE? June 23, 2013 There are two basic types of affairs: the affair that is based on sex and nothing more and the affair where there is emotional attachment. Both are detrimental to a marriage but the emotional affair is harder for both...
THE MYTH OF HAPPILY EVER AFTER June 18, 2013 What makes a happy relationship? It basically comes down to one word – expectations. When our reality matches up to our expectations, we consider ourselves happy. The greater the disparity between expectations and...
Is My Partner Controlling? June 9, 2013 Being in a relationship with someone who is controlling can be very difficult. Most of us have seen someone who was with a “control freak” and we wondered how they got themselves in that situation and why they put up with it....
WHEN YOUR SPOUSE WANTS A DIVORCE AND YOU DON’T June 4, 2013 I hear it often. “My spouse wants a divorce, but I don’t. What can I do?”. Are you in a marriage you want to save but your spouse is ready to call it quits? You aren’t alone. Just before a...
MOTHERS-IN-LAWS: FRIENDS OR RIVALS? May 28, 2013 If you have a wonderful relationship with your mother-in-law, congratulations! You’ve beaten the odds…at least if you are the wife. Research says that just over 60% of mother-in-law/wife relationships are strained...