WHEN YOUR SPOUSE WANTS A DIVORCE AND YOU DON’T!PART 2: AN INTERVIEW October 16, 2013 There has been such a tremendous response to my original post, When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce and You Don’t that I decided to do a follow up. Just about every day, someone will ask...
WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT LOVE FROM MY 401K October 15, 2013 There are two things I have worked at most of my adult life. One is my marriage and the other is saving for retirement. I value my marriage over my money but for years, I knew more about how to invest wisely...
How do I know if I married the right person? August 22, 2013 I promise, you aren’t the only person who has asked this question. In fact, it would be a safe bet for me to say that MOST married people have wondered this very thing. I mentioned earlier in a post that...